Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our First Days of Soccer

Day 1
Here was our first day of practice. She refused to do anything but sit in the stroller. Adam played more soccer than her.
And her shoes/guards came off.
Day 2
She kept the footwear on Yay! This was real progress.

As long as Adam was coaching she would stay out there. She told me before practice "I'm only going to kick it once mom, but no more".

Before I knew it she was doing this.

And this... 

She totally over came her anxiety! I was so proud of her! Look at that smile. She was also so proud of herself. It made me so happy. It was hard for her but she did it. Way to go Ryan !xoxo



Traci said...

super cute! glad she is liking soccer!! go ryan!!

Bonnie said...

Ryan you ROCK!